Is Lil Miquela the First of Many Virtual Influencers?

Social media is, to be honest, a toxic cesspool filled with thousands of influencers all looking to become the next big thing. Is it really enough to just be hot and call it a day? It kind of seems that way when you look at influencers who have made the big time....

The 5 Best VR Headsets in 2020

Looking to level up your gaming and invest in a VR headset? There’s a lot to get your head around, from resolution, view-scale, and function, not to mention pricing. Join us as we explore the 5 best VR headsets in 2020 and help pair you up with your ideal solution....

Tennis Court-Sized Balloons Deliver Internet to Kenya

3.8 billion people around the world are unable to access the internet, but that could change dramatically very soon. Google’s Project Loon is bringing internet connectivity to the world from just 12 miles into the stratosphere, via massive balloons. Loon recently...

You Can’t Hide From AI

As if AI isn’t unnerving enough, now it’s gone and learned how to create photo-realistic faces off of just a few pixels - yikes. Sure, this isn’t reverse pixelation or anything because the AI is actually creating an entirely new face (eyes, mouth, nose and all), out...

How the U.S Is Using AI To Contribute To Warfare

Much like the space race, technological development has become somewhat of a silent war between the world’s superpowers. In 2020, one of the technologies in question is Artificial Intelligence, which has rapidly spread to become the center of the global race for...

How Lost Horizon is Bringing the VR Music Experience to the Forefront

The Covid-19 pandemic means that 2020 has been a bit of shit show for events organizers. Obviously, music festivals, sporting events, and more, have been cancelled due to public health concerns, but it does mean that many of us can’t get our fix. However, some events...

Does AI Need Sleep?

Artificial Intelligence that’s modeled off of human neural networks may require rest to operate at peak performance - just like us. So does AI need sleep? According to researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, it very well might. AI designed to...

The Future of Sports is Already Here

People from all over the world, who don’t speak the same language or have the same culture, have found ways to embrace each other and put their differences aside in the name of sports. Sports have always united people. Going to a stadium or sports field is a common...

Are You Ready for Whatsapp Pay?

Many of us in the Western World forget that we’re often the last people to hear about updates to important apps. For example, India is the lab of choice for major tech firms to test out new updates like Whatsapp Pay. Facebook-owned Whatsapp has reportedly been...

Facebook’s Bitmoji-like Avatars Might Not Be Such a Good Thing

Gone are the days of having to express your complex thoughts with a simple like, sad, happy, angry, or thumbs up reaction on Facebook. The world’s leading social media giant has officially rolled out an avatar feature, eerily similar to that available on Apple’s...

Pentagon Outlines AI Ethics

Global military forces are looking to AI as a way to improve their efficiency on the battlefield and beyond. Now, US Defense Department officials have announced a list of five principles that will ensure the ethical use of AI. As the Pentagon outlines AI ethics, let’s...

Coronavirus Pushing Us Into A VR Future… Today!

You know when you got an app for your bank for the first time, how convenient it was doing your banking admin in your pajamas, from the couch, on Sunday morning. How many times have you stepped foot into a bank since? Probably not many. We see the same for when we...

Meet the Godfather of Modern AI

For the last 4 decades, Geoff Hinton has been working on AI. His quest to build complex artificial intelligence systems began in high school, when one of his friends convinced him that the brain worked like a hologram. Even back in 1960s Britain, Hinton was intrigued...

AI Trends in March in 2020

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is expanding rapidly at the moment. With so many changes happening in the space, it can feel impossible to keep up. Let’s take a look at AI trends in March 2020, so you can get a handle on everything. ...

Want your Fortune Told? Consult AI

The future is always uncertain - that’s what makes it both so exciting and so terrifying. Long term, we don’t know much about what’s going to happen. However, what if we could predict the future in the short term? The editorial team at the Economist took a unique...

AI by Numbers: 2020

Artificial intelligence is still a relatively controversial topic - particularly in mainstream society. Growing fears around job security means that many people are concerned about AI’s ability to replace them at their place of work. This issue is largely...

5 Reasons Why VR is Good for Humans

Virtual Reality (VR) is the next big thing in tech. If you haven’t heard of it until now, you’ve probably been living under a rock. VR is generally considered as something associated only with video games, but the reality is that it’s so much more. Here are 5 reasons...

The Top 5 Most Unethical AI Projects to Date

AI has a lot of fantastic use cases. In fact, it really can help us out in so many interesting ways. However, its utility is largely down to what humans decide for it - and we can be total idiots. Let’s take a look at the 5 most unethical AI projects to date. ...

Has the Age of Virtual Humans Arrived?

Is your friendship circle ready for a virtual human? AI is getting better and better by the day, and as technological advancements are made it’s becoming increasingly popular. Still, it’s early days and we’ve yet to see the full potential of this exciting technology....

How AI Could Help Stop the Spread of the Coronavirus

Wuhan Coronavirus, also known as 2019-nCoV490 deaths, 24 324 confirmed cases worldwideAI issued first outbreak alert on 31 December 201999% of the cases are in China, 97% of deaths are in Hubei province The death toll from the deadly coronavirus outbreak that began in...

How AI Weapons Could Cut Collateral Damage

The US, China, and Russia seem to be signalling that the time for AI in national security is now. With their militaries rolling out plans to move ahead with developing further applications of AI, and AI-driven, autonomous weapons, it’s time to address something pretty...

In the Fight Against Cancer, AI is Winning – sometimes

Researchers from Google, Northwestern University, the NHS, and Imperial College London have discovered that Google’s Deepmind AI outperforms radiologists in detecting breast cancer. The researchers trained the AI on thousands of mammograms, which resulted in the tech...

5 Scary AI Projects

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize our world as we know it. Unfortunately, the future of AI is essentially what we (humanity) make it, and we’re into some pretty weird stuff. From cannibal Adam and Eve, to AI Kalashnikovs, let’s take a look at...