Is Lil Miquela the First of Many Virtual Influencers?

Social media is, to be honest, a toxic cesspool filled with thousands of influencers all looking to become the next big thing. Is it really enough to just be hot and call it a day? It kind of seems that way when you look at influencers who have made the big time....

The 5 Best VR Headsets in 2020

Looking to level up your gaming and invest in a VR headset? There’s a lot to get your head around, from resolution, view-scale, and function, not to mention pricing. Join us as we explore the 5 best VR headsets in 2020 and help pair you up with your ideal solution....

Tennis Court-Sized Balloons Deliver Internet to Kenya

3.8 billion people around the world are unable to access the internet, but that could change dramatically very soon. Google’s Project Loon is bringing internet connectivity to the world from just 12 miles into the stratosphere, via massive balloons. Loon recently...

You Can’t Hide From AI

As if AI isn’t unnerving enough, now it’s gone and learned how to create photo-realistic faces off of just a few pixels - yikes. Sure, this isn’t reverse pixelation or anything because the AI is actually creating an entirely new face (eyes, mouth, nose and all), out...

How the U.S Is Using AI To Contribute To Warfare

Much like the space race, technological development has become somewhat of a silent war between the world’s superpowers. In 2020, one of the technologies in question is Artificial Intelligence, which has rapidly spread to become the center of the global race for...

How Lost Horizon is Bringing the VR Music Experience to the Forefront

The Covid-19 pandemic means that 2020 has been a bit of shit show for events organizers. Obviously, music festivals, sporting events, and more, have been cancelled due to public health concerns, but it does mean that many of us can’t get our fix. However, some events...

Does AI Need Sleep?

Artificial Intelligence that’s modeled off of human neural networks may require rest to operate at peak performance - just like us. So does AI need sleep? According to researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, it very well might. AI designed to...

The Future of Sports is Already Here

People from all over the world, who don’t speak the same language or have the same culture, have found ways to embrace each other and put their differences aside in the name of sports. Sports have always united people. Going to a stadium or sports field is a common...

Are You Ready for Whatsapp Pay?

Many of us in the Western World forget that we’re often the last people to hear about updates to important apps. For example, India is the lab of choice for major tech firms to test out new updates like Whatsapp Pay. Facebook-owned Whatsapp has reportedly been...

Facebook’s Bitmoji-like Avatars Might Not Be Such a Good Thing

Gone are the days of having to express your complex thoughts with a simple like, sad, happy, angry, or thumbs up reaction on Facebook. The world’s leading social media giant has officially rolled out an avatar feature, eerily similar to that available on Apple’s...

How Virtual Reality was Born

The concept of virtual reality has actually been around a lot longer than most people think. One of the first examples we have of someone questioning reality is Plato, and his Allegory of the Cave. Then Rene Descartes, the father of modern philosophy, came on the...

The Problem with AI? It’s Probably Us

The Problem with AI? It’s Probably Us

Artificial Intelligence isn’t quite as dangerous as a lot of people seem to think it is. It’s a relatively new technology, so there’s always going to be a level of misunderstanding surrounding it in the beginning, and many people think that AI is going to be the one...

For AI to Work, We Need Computers to Think Like Computers

A lot of people are very wary of artificial intelligence, and I think I know why. We’ve all been fed this rhetoric about AI and robot overlords (you gotta love science fiction), but that’s not the reality at all - at least not for now. Unfortunately for those people,...

AI Can Now Recognize Certain Smells

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence are happening every single day, and in the latest news, researchers at Google have taught AI how to identify certain smells. Google researchers have been busy training neural AI networks with a new way of predicting how a...

How Airbnb is Using AI to your Benefit

Airbnb was founded in 2008, and has since grown into one of the biggest players in the global travel industry. It’s business model is unique, but simple: it’s an online marketplace that aims to connect travelers who are looking for accommodation with hosts around the...

Can AI Help You Make Better Decisions?

The use of intelligent machines in problem solving is becoming a popular concept. There is so much hype about AI today that it is easy to assume that every field and industry requires machines to become more efficient. The recent introduction of Video Assistant...

Top 5 Videos To Learn About VR

If you’ve been hearing about Virtual Reality (VR) and wondering what it is all about, you are  not alone. Although it is a term that is growing in popularity, just like the technology itself, a lot of people just know it as some visual existence in an imaginary...

What Is Social VR and Why Do I Need To Know About It

When people started to use the internet, it closed the gaps caused by distance. That was when the saying, “It's a small world” became more popular. Years have passed and more sophisticated technologies have emerged. The social bridge between people across the world...

Reddit Has Seriously Disturbed This AI Following An MIT Study

An awkward incident has occurred in what could be termed as a limitation in the developing AI technology field. In this development, after being fed with murder images from Reddit, this AI now interprets all images as murder-related. Reddit has seriously disturbed...

Understanding The Three Different Types Of AI

It is usually intriguing to conceptualize the theories behind smart machines that constitute what we know as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Having machines execute tasks on their own is something that demands special attention that needs to be understood properly....

How To Stop AI From Eavesdropping

Today’s world is governed by information at different levels. Legal contracts, administrative management and even intimate relationships are sustained or slaughtered on the altar of privacy of information. With the role that electronic gadgets play in our lives today,...

Most Anticipated VR Games for 2020

Virtual Reality (VR) games are increasing in popularity. They are the kind of games that make use of sensory devices to influence a player’s environment. This is done in one of two ways that include the modification of the player’s environment or the immersion of the...